Lissanna has an awesome picture of a "fail tree". I'm feeling like a fail tree lately, when Arthus seemed easier to heal than a 5-man! She's has a large number of good tips. Just to quote one:
Start relying on Nourish & Healing Touch: People want to avoid these because they are slow. However, did you see how big everyone’s health pools got? The increasing of Health Pool size means that these two spells are how you will keep your tank alive in 5-mans (and raids!).
Kirstimah suggests using Clearcast strategically:
Malfurion's Gift. This has been a lifesaver on mana. Roll Lifebloom on the tank and use the Clearcasts to bring up the dps. I am not doing heroics yet, but so far this strategy is working well for normals.This plays in well with the larger health pool: stop twitch reacting, rely on your dpsers health pools to keep them alive for a while, and heal them at the opportune moment. I hope healing stays like this for a while. I'm sure mana will be plentiful in a tier or two, but having to think strategically adds some fun to it.
Finally, Qieth has some quips for moonkin raiders. I chuckled at this:
Healing is.. OH MY GOD!Glad to hear I'm not the only one.
One thing I did notice is the apparant change of play for the healers. We are no longer seeing ourselves getting spammed up whenever we lose 1% health. Healers are much more conservative with their mana, and even then, they are struggling to keep everybody alive.